The way we were …

Every morning I make the same unfulfilled resolution “tonight I will spend some quality time with hubby” I miss the way we were… The moment he got home it was US time! I would run to him as if I haven’t seen him in ages and the simplest plans made us extremely happy as long as we were together.

The spark is definitely there! When he walks in my heart flutters and a glimpse of his green eyes makes me want to run to him and just sink in his arms! But I always stop myself to give the honors to our beautiful bundle of joy who seems just as eager to greet daddy.

The night goes on as we feed, play, and bath baby Amir all the while exchanging a smile here and there or an ” I miss you look”. Before I go in to start Amirs bedtime routine I make a silent promise that tonight is the night when things will be back to normal I will put my baby to sleep and go back to my hubby, sink in his arms, let go of all my worries and my self caused anxiety.

He was always good at making me relax, being with him felt like an escape…nothing can go wrong with me in his arms. BUT my plan always goes unfulfilled! By the time I’m done from putting the baby to sleep and drag my exhausted self to the living room my date looks just as drained, his eyes sunken and red, his loving smile is faint. As I reach for my pump he gets ready to leave the room in an attempt to put the baby back to sleep (yes he is still teething!)

I miss the way we were, but I love the parents that we are today and as long as I still catch a sparkle in his beautiful eyes when he first sees me and my heart flutters when I hear him walk in, I’m still holding on to the promise that we will have our quality time again.

I miss blogging

I have been away for a while trying to keep up with my New Years Resolution … some major de-stressing has been going on, I’m just enjoying life with my baby, hubby and little monster puppy (who is ironically called Angel … more about that later).

Of course some crazy does surface every once in a while … like today when I got upset because my hubby said that if I wanted to exercise so badly I should try to skip a pumping session … needless to say it upset me, I mean pumping becomes a religion  if you want to exclusively breastfeed your baby who would only take the bottle. You try your best to use your pump every two hours, otherwise all your hard work is lost when your milk supply goes down… Thank God again and again for my hands free pump ( I should really make time to write a review about that).

But other than that Life has been good, my bundle of joy is growing so fast, he had his first taste of baby cookies yesterday it was the cutest thing to watch! he would tap on the milk cup when he needed to wash it down.  Just seeing his little mouth moving in a chewing motion yesterday made my day and reminded me again that my baby is growing too fast! We have been introducing sign language recently but it seems like he established his own signs right around the same time. He finds a way to point and reach for the things he wants and its very exciting!

Daddy introducing the cookie

Eating his cookie like a pro!

I’ve been meaning to write a post since I got my hands on my new Christmas gift … my Macbook Pro … I’ve been taking my time to get acquainted with it since I’m new to Mac, hence the delay in posting anything new. I didn’t realize how important blogging has become to me, its my outlet to the outside world, my  way to breath, to be myself, to get my thoughts down and make sense of my new life and my new role in this world. I was worried today that I have a few minutes to spare and I couldn’t think of something to write about, I do have some reviews that I would like to get out there but I wanted to post something more personal and I decided to just start typing and just like that I started to feel the tension in my shoulders disappear … I think this blogging thing is becoming a part of me and I have to say I LOVE it!

Dec 3rd addition to Christmas Advent Calendar

Another teething day for my sweet baby, poor baby hasn’t been getting much sleep he didn’t mind posing for mommy though 🙂 see the rest of baby Amir’s Christmas Advent Calendar here

I Got Mail: customized stickers and cards from MOO

Never thought I would be so excited at the sight of mail!! It could be just an empty box or a small note from a friend but just the idea of receiving mail from overseas makes my day!

I’m sure I mentioned before that due to my hubby’s work we are in Liberia (Africa), shopping here is limited to 3 grocery stores and one over priced gift shop! in other words its HELL for people like me who are addicted to retail therapy! so what’s a girl to do? I shop online for anything and everything! my most recent purchase was a bunch of stickers, postcards and a multi picture frame I ordered from and boy did it make my day to see that huge box with their colorful logo!

Sure we got several items in the mail, mainly for baby Amir which I have waited for but I’ve been looking forward to get my hands on  these stickers to complete a project of mine! I don’t get to do many projects while taking care of the baby but this one I’ve been anxious to finish! so now I’m happy that the Patchi chocolate favors box is checked off my to-do-list …. now on to my next project …

But until then here’s a few pictures of what I received from Moo today:

The stickers: (check out what I used them for here)

The Frame for Shaun’s desk at work. He wanted pictures of me and Amir and couldn’t pick his favorites so I surprised him with this frame from MOO. He absolutely loved it!

Personalized holiday cards for friends and family (Yes that’s my baby in the picture isn’t he adorable!)

My very first blog post

Well here it goes my very first post! It’s overdue too…. I have been planning on starting my own blog for a few years now. Never took the initiative until today! I’m holding my baby and rocking him as he sleeps peacefully in my arms. It’s how I spend most of my days now specially that he is teething and getting a little more clingy than usual. Which is no problem since I’m an advocate for attachment parenting (life would be much easier when I get my balboa carrier in the mail) but as much as I like to spend my days (and nights) holding this precious bundle of joy I can’t help but feel that I need to do something besides sitting in my baby blue rocking chair … So here it goes my very first blog written on my husband’s I-pod touch while rocking my son to sleep
the purpose of my blog will be pure fun! Just a way for me to put my thoughts on paper and share My interests and the research resulting from them hoping that they might help someone looking for the same information on the way. Going to attempt putting baby Amir in his bed for the third time … fingers crossed….